Preparation: Before you start, ensure the surface you are installing the veneer on is smooth and clean. Any rough spots or debris may interfere with the adhesive's effectiveness.

Spirit/Laser Level: To ensure a straight and even installation, use a spirit/laser level as a guide. Mark the wall with a pencil or pen to indicate the desired height of your first row of panels.

Measuring and Cutting: Measure each panel and cut to size if necessary, using a saw or utility knife.

Placement: Align the first panel with the markings on the wall, making sure to keep it straight and level. Peel the backing off the panel and place it on the surface, pressing down firmly to activate the adhesive.

Even Pressure: Apply even pressure across the entire panel, working from the centre outwards. This will help ensure that the adhesive bonds effectively and eliminates any air bubbles.

Continue the Process: Repeat the process for each subsequent panel, working row by row.

Completion: Continue this process until the entire project is complete. Inspect each row to make sure the panels are level and aligned.

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